
Uday’s Novel Book Test

Original price was: ₹1,800.00.Current price is: ₹1,000.00.

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We have seen many book tests, and can honestly say this is one of the most comprehensive Book Tests we have ever come across, with immense effort and expense spent in its initial preparation, thus leaving you to do little more than present it in a convincing manner.

The basic effect of any book test is for the performer to reveal a word selected in a book or books. There are dozens of methods to achieve this, and what distinguishes this one are :
⭐  No stooges and no forces of any kind.

⭐  There is no limitation or force of page, line, number or word. Any page can be freely selected in one of two books (or both books), followed by any line and any word.
Performer can correctly reveal the word, and also the adjacent words if he so wishes.
⭐  No restraining conditions, like “pick a six letter word,” or “see the first (or last) word on the page”.
⭐  The item can be repeated for the same audience as often as you wish, with different results every time.
⭐  The books can be freely checked and read from, and there is nothing connived about them.

We supply you two books, (subtly gimmicked, but which can be freely handled and examined by your audience,) along with the necessary accessories, and basic instructions. As each performer would have his or her pet presentation, we give you the handling basics, (which would be mostly obvious when you see the apparatus), along with some presentation tips.
If you perform “Mental Magic”, this is an item that will be outstanding in your bag of tricks. A limited stock has been produced, so get your set early if interested.


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